On 13th June 2018 in Tokyo (Japan), Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Liem – Director of Vinmec Stem Cell and Gene Technology Institute – has been awarded the Nikkei Asia Prize by Nikkei news agency. Professor Nguyen Thanh Liem is elected as a winner for Science and Technology due to his great contributions in pediatric endoscopic surgery.
Nikkei Asia Award was launched in 1996 by Nikkei Inc. – Japan’s leading reputable media group. This prestigious award honors individuals and organizations who contribute and dedicate their works to improve the living standard of Asian people in three categories: regional Economic and Business Innovation, Science and Technology, and Culture and Community. In the 23-years history of this award, Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem is the first Vietnamese scientist honored in Science and Technology field.
In 1997, Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem was known as the first surgeon in Vietnam who performed a laparoscopy for Hirschsprung disease, making Vietnam become the first country in Southeast Asia carried out successfully laparoscopic surgery in children. Furthermore, by the success of the thoracoscopic surgery for neonate diaphragmatic hernia repair on February 2002, he became the first surgeon in the world who can execute this challenging technique.
So far, Prof. Liem has been published numerous research and studies in many high impact international journals. He has been invited to present lectures, perform his invented surgery techniques, and deliver talks in numerous international conferences that contribute to apply widely these techniques in many countries. Prof. Liem is considered by worldwide pediatric surgeons as a pioneer, as well as a leading expert in laparoscopic surgery for choledochal cyst and diaphragmatic hernia. Especially, Prof. Liem’s laparoscopic surgery technique for choledochal cyst is also published in pediatric surgery textbooks worldwide. Currently, the surgical techniques are widely applied in national hospitals, as well as in the US, Italia, Netherlands, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan…
Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem is the pioneer in stem cell transplantation in treatment of many incurable diseases in Vietnam.
Beside pediatric surgery, Prof. Liem is also a pioneer in stem cell researching and developing. Since 2014 till now, the stem cell transplant studies to treat many terminal illnesses, such as cerebral palsy, autism, congenital biliary atresia, paralysis caused by spinal cord injuries of Prof. Liem and his colleagues in Vinmec Healthcare system have continued to change numerous lives and resonate in the medical world.
“Stem cell transplantation is being performed at Vinmec International Hospital in strict process and accordance with international standards for the highest effectiveness. In the future, this method can be extended to treat many other diseases such as cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, Parkinson”, Professor Nguyen Thanh Liem said.
Prof. Liem had a quick discussion with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the 24th International Conference on The Future of Asia
Before the Nikkei Asian Prize Ceremony, Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem was invited to attend the 24 th International Conference on The Future of Asia (Asia Future) in 11 th of June. In this meeting, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other leaders discussed and exchanged ideas to establishment the sustainable implements for the development of Asia.
In the announcement letter, the organizers implied their gratitude and honor to give the 23rd Nikkei prize to Prof. Liem for his diligent contribution in popularising his unique technique in endoscopic surgery and providing helps to the Asian community.
In the Prize Awarding Ceremony on 13th June at Tokyo (Japan) – Prof. Hiroshi Matsumoto – President of RIKEN Science and Technology Prize selection Sub-committee Leader – said that “Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem is the pioneer and the father of pediatric endoscopic surgery not only in Vietnam but in all over the globe. His techniques alter the destiny of many children in Vietnam, and his name was given after his technique, called Liem’s Technique. Prof. Liem currently focuses his works on stem cells and regenerative medicine, which achieved a lot of fruitful results. The committee appreciated all contributions from Prof. Liem to the life of Asian people”.
Since 1996, there are 5 Vietnamese people warded Nikkei Prize in the categories: Prof. Vo Tong Xuan (2002), Mr. Truong Gia Binh (2013), and Mrs. Mai Kieu Lien (2015) in Economic, People’s Artist Đặng Nhật Minh (1999), and Writer Bao Ninh (2011) in Culture, and Prof. Nguyen Thanh Liem is the first Vietnamese scientist awarded Nikkei Prize in Science and Technology category.