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Hospital Management Asia 2019: Vinmec receives “Most Improved Local Hospital” and “Patient Safety” awards


On 12 September, in Hospital Management Asia (HMA) 2019 Conference, Vinmec Healthcare system was presented with “Most Improved Local Hospital” and “Patient Safety” awards in recognition of their continuous effort in improving medical care quality and operations management.

Surpassing 500 projects from 129 hospitals in 17 Asian countries, Vinmec has received these two important awards respectively for two projects: “Vinmec Rising 2018: New approach to increase employee engagement in innovation and quality improvement” and “Reducing Medication Errors in Vinmec Times City”.

Representative of Vinmec Times City Board of Directors receiving the “Patient Safety” award for “Reducing Medication Errors in Vinmec Times City” project

Vinmec Rising 2018 contest is the first comprehensive healthcare innovation initiative in Vietnam so far. The initiative has a multi-dimensional and sustainable approach, by engaging all employees of this healthcare system in developing and implementing ideas for innovation and quality improvement, instead of hiring consultants or establishing a quality improvement division.

Thanks to the innovations in the initiative, 95% administrative work of doctors are reduced, so that they can spend more time with patients, 100% of outpatient prescriptions are verified to ensure safe and effective use of medicines, ambulance response time is also reduced by 30% , increasing the chance of successful treatment for patients.

The initiative has not only contributed to improving patient experience, but also helped increase labor productivity and reduce operating costs in the hospitals. In addition, a culture and spirit of innovation have been spread across the healthcare system, where ideas for quality improvement are particularly appreciated and supported by Board of Directors.

Vinmec Rising contest has engaged all Vinmec employees in developing and implementing ideas for innovation and quality improvement

Similar to Vinmec Rising, the “Reducing Medication Errors” project at Vinmec Times City hospital has connected doctors, nurses and pharmacists towards a common goal of bringing safety and trust to patients. In the project, medication errors at the hospital were reported, not for the purpose of blaming but finding the root causes, so that similar, repeated errors can be avoided in the future.

With this project, Vinmec Times City Hospital has built a culture of proactive reporting for medication errors – one of the most common incidents in healthcare worldwide.

At Vinmec Times City Hospital, medicines are stored in compliance with international standards of temperature and humidity to ensure the quality of medicines

“With the success of these two projects, Vinmec has developed a safe environment for both patients and health workers by the active participation and innovation of each Vinmec’s staff” said Mrs. Le Thuy Anh, CEO of Vinmec Healthcare System.

The two awards were announced and presented at Hospital Management Asia (HMA) Conference, which took place from 11 -12 September in Hanoi. This represents the worldwide recognition for Vinmec’s outstanding efforts in improving professional expertise and medical service quality.

This is also the second time Vinmec has participated in the HMA. In HMA 2015 Conference, Vinmec Times City Hospital was awarded the “Vietnam Most Improved Hospital” for their project “Improving hand hygiene compliance” – a project to affirm the significance and importance of infection control in hospitals.



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