Vinmec saved life of patient with high risk of aortic rupture

The Cardiovascular Surgery Department – Vinmec International Hospital recently received patient Nguyen Thi Van Q (68 years old, in Hanoi) in emergency condition, with a high risk of aortic rupture requiring immediate surgery to mediate a life-threatening situation.  The 8 hour surgery was conducted by doctors from Vinmec Cardiovascular Department with a most successful outcome.

Mrs. Q had experienced two previous strokes, leaving her with a thoracic aortic aneurysm conditionrequiring surgery.  However taking into consideration her other diseases, including an abdominal aortic aneurysm, an aortic aneurysm at (original pots on 2 sides), and false aneurysms in body organs, she wished to delay the surgery as she reviewed the best overall treatment option.  At the end of last November, Mrs. Q went to a traditional medicine hospital for treatment to enhance her health.  The doctors there detected that her aortic aneurysm had increased in diameter to 8cm, and was double the originalsize.  Immediately, the patient was sent to Vinmec International Hospital for emergency surgery.

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After only 5 days, Mrs. Q was able to walk and had no negative memory effect even though the surgery did involve the blood vessels supplying her brain.

Upon receiving the patient, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Ha – Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the Hospital said: “The patient has metabolic syndrome, diabetes, blood fat, and has many aortic aneurysms and blocked arteries with severe aortic valve insufficiency. All aneurysms will need to be resolved, however we must prioritize the surgery for the aortic aneurysm located in her front chest because of its higher risk of rupture.  This surgery is very dangerous because the patient has many aneurysms in several areas, and has a history of two previous strokes. Thus, we need to find the most comprehensive and safest solution for the patient.” Dr. Hoang Ha decided on a surgery method with lowered body temperature and stopped blood circulation to minimize the risk of bleeding, brain complications, and infection.  With only a few hours of preparation, the surgical team was assembled and the patient was prepped, fully ready for the surgery.

After 8 hours of surgery, the doctors replaced the ascending aorta and the aortic valve for the patient, with a stopped circulation time of 20 minutes.  During the circulation stop, the patient was protected by a separate blood pump line from the artificial heart-lung machine.  6 hours post-op, the patient was awake, and after 1 day she was able to breath without the support of a ventilator.  The patient’s care and rehabilitation enabled a quick recovery, and she was discharged 8 days later early last December.

Mrs. H – the oldest daughter of Mrs. Q, was very grateful that her mother’s complex surgery was successful beyond expectation. The family especially appreciated that after only 5 days she was able to walk and had no negative effects to her memory, despite the surgery intervening with the blood vessels supplying the brain.

Dr. Hoang Ha added:”As Mrs. Q continues to have abdominal aorta lesions and lesions in other arteries, she will need further intervention.  After 2-3 months, the patient can come back to the hospital, where our doctors can address the risks of aortic rupture and other aortic conditions.  At that time, the patient’s situation can be resolved completely.”

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Hà Nội, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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