On January 23 rd 2018, Vinmec Research Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology officially signed agreement for cooperation with Keele University, England at Vinmec International General Hospital in Times City.

Sharing the vision of developing research in applying stem cell and gene technologies in medicine, the two sides have agreed to push cooperation in many aspects; such as workforce, student exchanges for research programs, organizing international seminars and conferences etc.

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Representatives from Vinmec Research Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology and Keele University (England) signs cooperation agreement.

Keele University was founded in 1949 from University College of North Staffordshire, and is the 24 th oldest university in England. In 2014, REF (Research Excellence Framework) registered 97% of research done at Keele University as having a global impact and influencing international standards. Institute for Applied Biomedical Sciences of Keele University is one of the pioneering institutions in stem cells research in England and are especially focused in treating bone diseases. With orientation in applying basic research in clinical treatment, Keele University, particularly the Institute of Applied Biomedical Sciences, have had 4 projects granted license to use on human subjects in England.

This agreement continues the streak of important steps for Vinmec Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology in advancing its workforce and research in applied technologies in Biomedicine.Leading them closer to their goal to rank along research institutes in the region and the world.

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The cooperation agreement with Keele University is another step of the Institute toward this goal.

Following the signing, Dr. Nicholas Robert Forsyth- the Director of the Institute for Stem Cell Research, Keele University, presented “Applying Clinical Stem Research: Overview of Stem Biology” at the seminar “ADVANCEMENTS IN STEM CELL TECHNOLOGY IN TREATING DISEASES”. Dr. Nicholas Forsyth is one of the most reputed clinical researchers in England, with many important contributions to the forming process of applied stem cell research in clinical treatment with particular focus on treatment  of joints.

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Dr. Nicholas Robert Forsyth presents a talk on cultured mesenchymal stem cells at the seminar “Advancements in stem cell technology in treating diseases”.

Dr. Forsyth has provided information on mesenchymal stem cells, especially in laboratory culture. His presentation shows that a culture media of 5% of CO2 and 2% of O2 pushed the growth of mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow in vitro. Furthermore, the changing of the ingredients in the culture media also changes the DNA forming process. This resulted in differences in RNA and protein, directly involved in the growth of stem cells, regeneration. The learning process, applied with the experiences in growing stem cells of Keele University will help Vinmec complete, perfect and standardize the process and increase the safety of the workflow.

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