Observation of the effectiveness of bilateral quadratus lumborum block for postoperative pain after caesarean section

Author: M.S., MD Ta Quang Hung – Anesthesiologist in general Surgery department in Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital

Objective: To observe effectiveness of bilateral quadratus lumborum block for postoperative pain after ceasarean section and the adverse effect.

Subject and Methods: 40 Patients were indicated caesarean section underwent by spinal anesthesia. After the surgery, the paients were transferred to the recovery room. When the VAS score in movement ≥ 4, bilateral quadratus lumborum block technique was performed. After that, the patients were examined in 24h in period of time (before being performed procedure, after being performed procedure 15 minute, 1h, 6h, 12h, 24h). In 24h, if the patients were pain, VAS score ≥ 4, perfalgan 1g and. In the next days, the patient were used routine effralgan 500mg by oral 4 time per day and diclofenac 100mg rectal suppository was administrated when the VAS score ≥ 4.

Results: Time of postoperative pain of quadratus lumborum block in caesarean section is 21,57 ± 5,07 hours. The rate of satisfied patient is: 57,5 % in very satisfied and 42,5 % in satisfied. There is no adverse effect in this procedure and patient’s pulse, blood presure, SpO2 had no change in all period of time after this procedure.

Conclusion: The bilateral quadratus lumborum block can be used to relief pain after caesarean section and all patients were satisfied. Time of postoperative pain of quadratus lumborum block after cesarean section is 21,57 ± 5,07 hours. There is no adverse effect in this study.

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