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Guideline for inpatient treatment


After your consultation, if you are indicated for hospitalization, doctors and nurses will guide you to choose your room and make a deposit for hospitalization. The cost of hospital room is counted from the moment you are admitted until you return the room. Hospitalization time in hours is based on room’s cost in every department and divided in % to one day price, as follows::

Hospitalization Procedure

When you are hospitalized, our medical staffs will instruct in details all the administrative procedures and regulations during your hospital stay.


After consent to use medical services, please deposit at the nearest Cashier counter:

  • Surgical services: Deposit 100% of surgery/procedure charges.
  • Inpatient services: Deposit 100% estimated expenses as directed by doctors before hospitalization in accordance with regulations of Vinmec.

* Note:

Actual expenses may differ from the estimated provided as additional costs sometimes may be incurred depending on your health condition, treatment method, medical materials and medications used during your stay. After consulting in Emergency Department or Outpatient Department, in case of being requested for admission, customer has to pay all the previous bills before admission.

Necessary documents

For insurance issues or any other administrative procedures, the following documents are required to be presented to Receptionist – Cashier counter within 24 hours after your hospitalization:

  • VinID card/ Membership cards (if any).
  • National insurance card or private insurance card (if any) (Must be shown within 24 hours after hospitalization).
  • Identify card or Passport, Birth Certificate (for pediatric patients)
  • Other medical records as required by doctors (Laboratory test and imaging results, prescriptions, etc.)

Other notes:

Please note that:

  • To ensure the safety of personal assets, patients should refrain from carrying valued items to the Hospital and preserve private properties during your stay.
  • Maternity clothing: Bring 01 set of clothes and baby towel for using when discharge.
  • Do not bring any foods, fruits or flowers into the hospital

During hospital stay

Identify patient

On hospitalization, patient is given the patient identification wristband with the informations: Name, Day of birth. Before the consultation of before performing any medical interventions, procedures, patient will be identified with at least 2 informations: (1) Full name, (2) Day of birth and patient ID (if needed) to avoid maximum all possible errors.During your stay, doctors and nurses will always keep their eyes on you. In addition to checking your blood pressure, body temperature and other medical requirements, nurses will discuss your special needs in order to provide you with the most comprehensive and thorough service.

Room services

Room selections: We provide 03 types of rooms as following:

  • Standard room
  • Special single room (VIP room)
  • President Suite room

Doctors will advise customers to choose rooms according to their needs at admission. If you wish to change or upgrade your room, please inform the nurses.

Bed fee

Bed fee is calculated from the moment of admission to the moment of discharge. Cost of hospitalization is determined by the length of stays: 1-4 hours, 4-8 hours, 12-16 hours or 16-24 hours; 16 hours or more of staying as the Inpatient is counted as one day of hospitalization.Note: Hourly rate is based on room cost and at a prorated percentage of 1-day hospitalization cost.

Prevent Fall Risk in the hospital

  • In order to ensure the safety of patients during treatment, the medical staffs will regularly assess fall risk and provide the informations on fall prevention for patients and their families as soon as patient hospitalization, instruct using the equipment in the patient room. The doctor will explain the side effects of medicines that can increase the risk of falls, such as hypotension, cramps, central nervous system impairment (dementia, delirium…).
  • If patient is at greater risk of falls, the nurses will wear a “FALL RISK” hazard warning on patient wrist to support when needed.
  • In addition, the hospital ensures the provision of fall prevention equipment such as: Beds, bed rails, wheelchairs, crutches according to professional requirements.

Nurse call service

Whenever you need help, please press the alarm button at the bedhead or pull the toilet alarm in the bathroom.

Patient Room Amenities

  • Toiletries: Provided for daily usage. All provided amenities during your stay, such as bath towels, clothes, scale, home slippers, clothes hangers, etc., belong to the hospital. Please return them to the right place after using and do not take them out of your room.
  • Gifts for mothers and newborns (for natural childbirth or caesarian section): With the aim to offer the most convernience, on your day of admission for delivery, Vinmec would like to offer you a gift of necessary items for mothers and newborns to use right after delivery. The hospital provides clothes for mothers and newborns daily or whenever needed.

Medications brought into the hospital by patients

Medications brought into the hospital by patients need to be handed over to the nurses for storage. Once determined not to be used in the hospital, they will be returned to patients when discharge or immediately brought back to their relatives. A patient’s own medications are allowed to be used only when:

  • Medications to be used that the hospital pharmacy does not provide.
  • Medications purchased at the pharmacy of Vinmec International Hospital.
  • Medications meet the requirements of sensory, preservation conditions and has been agreed from the Pharmacy Department of Vinmec International Hospital.

Pain treatment

In Vinmec hospitals, pain free is patient’s utmost right. We did research and have been applied pain free treatments accompanied with advanced regional analgesia anesthesia to provide good surgical outcome.During the consultation and treating time, patients always have pain assessments and receive safe pain management methods. This will help patient pass through the treatment nicely, prevent the risk of chronic pain and recover earlier after surgery. For obstetric patients, Vinmec anesthesiologists provide them pain free delivery with simple regional anesthesia without opioids which will allow patient to walk and take care of their baby extremely fast after without any impact on breast feeding.


We ensure to provide patients with an appropriate diet based on our nutritonist’s advice, 03 meals and 01 snacks are offered per day. Meal serving times: At 13:00-15:00, a room service staff will come to get your orders for the following day. Meals are served at the following times (Each hospital has its own meal and snack schedule):

  • In case of any special orders, please inform the ward nurses.
  • For medical reasons, it is not allowed to bring foods from outside into patient’s room.

Medical charge

In addition to the deposit, extra charge will be noticed to patients once per day. Cashier will also inform patients to add an amount of deposit if the actual fee exceeds the advance amount.Cashier will inform you when the receipt is made. Please make payment at the Cashier counter.

Discharge procedure

Discharge is processed in the morning. In case of unexpected discharge, please inform before discharge 2 hours for the Hospital to prepare paperwork and complete discharge procedures.

  • Upon discharge, patient will receive medical records including: Discharge Medical report, Laboratory test results, Imaging results, Prescription, etc.
  • If you wish to take prescribed medications when discharge, please notify the nurses for administrative procedure. Medication costs are included in the total actual expenses.
  • In case of delivery in Vinmec: You will input the necessary information in the Birth Certificate following instruction of an administrator of Obstetric and Gynecology Department. Birth Certificate will be given after discharge. In case it is not received by the mother, the receiver must bring Identity Card and other identifications of the mother for the procedures.



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