Going to hospital…is like going to the park

“I’m usually completely afraid of hospitals, but not VINMEC because it’s such a nice place, lots of games and friendly doctors”, Nguyen Thuy Linh, seven, said happily. Her mother, Thuy Trang, said that, for Linh it is no longer a case of having to go to hospital, but of being allowed to go to VINMEC.

“I’m not afraid of hospitals any more”

Like most children, the thought of going to hospital was terrifying for a seven-year-old girl. So when her mother asked her to go to the hospital, Linh was very hesitant. The moment they enteredPediatrics Department however, both Linh and Ms. Trang were surprised at the amazing atmosphere there.

In the pediatric unit at Vinmec there are no cold-white-walls, no smell of antiseptic as is so commonly found in hospitals, instead, all of the walls are decorated with colorful, comical stickers and wallpaper.

Linh had barely recovered from her initial surprise when a nurse took her to the recreational area designed  for children visiting the clinic, a big indoor playground with colorful carpets and lots of toys.

“I was so surprised – it looked like something from a fairytale!” exclaimed Ms Trang.

Professor Do Tat Cuong, Vinmec Hospital Medical director said that the intention was to make the experience as comfortable as possible for their young patients, which is why the pediatric unit is sodifferent to those found elsewhere. Here, instead of a waiting room, which children typically find very boring and so start to misbehave, the children now can play on the slide, do puzzles, and play hide and seek and other games in the playground.

In fact, the pediatric unit helps not only the children overcome their fears of hospitals, but also relieves  worried parents.

Care from birth to 16 years old.

Vinmec Internation General Hospital, at 458 Minh Khai, Hanoi which is invested by Vingroup is an international five – star Hospital – Facility with the most modern and comprehensive medical equipments in Vietnam now.

Departments in the hospital are designed to be synchronized, including

Emergency – Diagnostic Imaging Center – Analysis – Surgery/Operation – Intensive Care Unit – Trauma Recontructive Surgery or Obstetrics – Pediatric Unit

This synchronization is a key factor in ensuring quick diagnosis in order to give timely treatment, as well as to give accurate analysis of  test results.

Further more, another impressive thing about the Pediatric Unit  at Vinmec International Hospital are the check-up and treatment procedures. Children who register for health checks have their own medical record which monitors their general health situation until they turn 16. As for new-borns, they are given a complete healthcare package along with a vaccination program.

According to Professor Do Tat Cuong, by setting up medical records in this way, young patients will be routinely cared for by experienced specialists and doctors which can allow the early detection of any possible diseases.

In addition to the eight examination rooms and one all-purpose room for applying treatment and emergency care for Pediatrics only, patients who require intensive care will be sent to theinpatient treatment area. Each room there only has one bed and is fully- equipped to allow close monitoring of the the patient’s condition and provide emergency treatment if necessary. Parents need no longer be worried that their child has to sharea  bed with other patients (a common occurrence in multiple occupancy rooms).

Another noteworthy fact is that medical equipment andsystems used here are all standardized and designed for Pediatric check-ups. For example, the digestive endoscopic system for diagnosis and treatment is specifically designed for children and undertaken by experts of National Pediatrics Hospital. Although Vinmec’s Pediatrics Department has doctors at grade II who previously worked at National Pediatrics Hospital and Xanh Pon Hospital, Vinmec call upon experts from the National Pediatric Hospital for consultation on particularly difficult or unusual cases, in accordance with a cooperation contract with this hospital. Professor Chuong commented that thiswas an advantage for Vinmec to ensure an accurate diagnosis for patients.

In order to properly treat patients and offer them the best possible services, Vinmec is implementing the VINCARE program – a membership scheme with a range of priority levels, from Silver to Diamond.

For young patients, Vimec provides the Vincare Kids program. At an annual insurance cost of just 2.940,000 VND per child, they offer a full range of healthcare and support services.

“Children are at high risk of illness, therefore, in order to avoid unfortunate situations caused by the mindset that you go to hospital is only if seriously ill, Vinmec designed the Vincare Kids package with the aim of ensuring that children receive the best possible care and are protected from serious illness”, shared Professor Cuong.

Vinmec International Hospital offers a Pediatric check-up on Saturdays to allow parents the opportunity to take their children to the hospital out of working hours.

Services at Vinmec’s Pediatric Unit

•  Diagnosis and treatment of congenital diseases.

•  Pediatric Reanimation

•  Pediatric Nutrition

•  Pediatric Psychology

• Diagnosis and treatment therapy for diseases, including: Neurology, Pneumology, Gastroenterology, Hepatobile, Hepatitis, Nephrology – Urology, Muscle – Bone – Joint, Endocrinology.

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