Home Uncategorized Constipation consultation with Italian expert at Vinmec

Constipation consultation with Italian expert at Vinmec


On every Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, Prof. Mario Pescatori – Europe’s leading expert in the field of anorectal – will have a consultation of complicated cases of constipation at Vinmec International Hospital.

This is a multi-specialty consultation session, with the participation of experts and other specialists in the field of Internal & Surgical Gastroenterology, Neurology , Obstetrics, Endocrinology , Diagnostic Imaging, Nutrition , Rehabilitation function, Psychology … working at Vinmec to provide optimal treatment options for patients with rectovaginal prolapse, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids … Doctors from all domestic and foreign hospitals can send their patients or the patient’s medical records to the consultation. Patients interested in the free meeting can register to participate via the hospital operator (Tel: +84 4 3947 3556). Each consultation session lasts 1 hour. The experts will communicate in English and Vietnamese.



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