Welcome Dr. Patrick Joly – an expert in cardiovascular angiography and interventions – to Vinmec International Hospital

Dr. Patrick Joly is a cardiologist with many years of experience, specializing in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases: angioplasty with stent…. He worked in various hospitals such as Saint Joseph Hospital, Timone Hospital (in Marseille) and Heart Center of Montreal in Canada…

He also acted as the Coordinator of the intravascular ultrasound and angioscopy club – ARTEMIS Group; President of La Ribambelle Association – Reception and Care of foreign children with congenital heart disease, providing technical assistance to a development project – a health oriented Non-Governmental Organization in Madagascar;


Currently, Dr. Joly is the coordinator of the Hemodynamic Lab – Saint Joseph Hospital (2010-1012).

Dr Joly will be in attendance at Vinmec International Hospital from 12/11/2012 and during his visit here, he acts as a professional consultant, providing clinical supports to the medical team & patients.

In addition, Dr Joly will instruct and provide training related to cardiac interventions for the Cardiologists of Vinmec. Workshops will be conducted to share up to date knowledge and latest techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of Cardiovascular Disease with Doctors from other hospitals.

To make an appointment with Dr Joly, please call 04-3974 3556 or you can contact:


Address: 458 Minh Khai Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi

Tel: 84-4-3974 3556

Fax: 84-4-3974 3557

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.vinmec.com

Hotline: 84-4-3974 3558

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