Vinmec established the Pain Management and Palliative Care Department

Vinmec International Hospital established the pain management and palliative care department On the 29th of April 2014, Vinmec international hospital officially opened the pain management and palliative care department.

The pain management and palliative care department is under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors, its main function and mission includes: educate all doctors of the hospital in assessing pain and providing palliative care for all patients across the hospital including patients after transferring from recovery room back to ward; supervise, monitor and coordinate with specialists to ensure the process of pain treatment and palliative care at the hospital; coordinate with anesthesiology department and other departments in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic pain; build networks for pain control and palliative care.

The department of pain management and palliative care: Head of Department – Dr Nguyen Thi Phuong Anh, Palliative care doctors – Dr Vu Tuan Viet and Dr Nguyen Thi Tien , Palliative care nurse – Nguyen To Hang.

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