Vinmec Central Park has partnered with the leading Heart Hospital in Southeast Asia

On August 12 th , Vinmec Central Park International Hospital signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) marking cooperating with the Malaysian National Heart Institute (IJN). This activity is the first international collaboration of Vinmec Central Park in the roadmap aiming to be an excellent cardiovascular center in Vietnam and the region.

IJN is the largest cardiovascular center in Malaysia as well as in Southeast Asia and is a training center for doctors around the world. IJN is the only hospital in Malaysia to reach the American standards of excellent centers and is also the only one in Malaysia widely publishing quality indicators through websites. According to the memorandum signed between the two sides, the National Heart Institute of Malaysia can send experts to work and give training about cardiovascular interventions and surgery for the doctors at Vinmec Hospital. At the same time, Vinmec Central Park also has the opportunity to send their staff to Malaysia for training and approaching advanced treatment methods of the world.

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MOU Signing Ceremony has marked the collaboration between the Vinmec Central Park International Hospital with the National Heart Institute of Malaysia.

Evaluating this partnership, Prof. Vo Thanh Nhan –Head of Cardiology Wardof Vinmec Central Park Hospitalsaid: ” The partnership with IJN is a favorable opportunity for Vinmec Central Park to improve the quality of skilled professionals further in order to bring the perfect choice of healthcare service quality to the people of Vietnam ”.

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Prof.Vo Thanh Nhan, Head of Cardiology Department of Vinmec Central Park (white shirt on the left) discussing with the representatives of IJN in the signing ceremony.

The partnership between Vinmec and IJN will bring an additional choice in treatment of heart diseases for the people of Vietnam. Dr. MohdAzhariYakub – Director of the National Heart Institute said: “With the characteristics of operating in JCI standards, IJN will certainly be able to support Vinmec Central Park in examination programs and physician training. Patients will have an additional option for their treatment at either Vinmec Central Park or Malaysia. If choosing treatment at IJN, the patients will be guided and supported to accomplish procedures for referral from Vinmec Central Park or IJN branches in HCMC or the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council office”.

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Dr. ShaifulAzmi from IJN has shared lots of useful information about modern methods of treatment of peripheral artery disease in the workshop.

Right after the signing ceremony, the cardiologists of Vinmec Central Park and IJN have implemented the first cooperative activities with the workshop entitled “Updates on advances in mitral valve surgery and modern treatment methods of peripheral artery diseases”at the same day.The workshop had the participation of Dr. ShaifulAzmi – interventional cardiologist of IJN and Prof. Vo Thanh Nhan. Peripheral arterydisease is quite common, however,Vietnam does not have many seminars about this disease. Therefore, the workshop has attracted the participation of numerous doctors of cardiovascular intervention, surgical department, internal medicine, pediatrics and heads of cardiovascular clinics in HCMC. The workshop has achieved positive effects.

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Memorial photo of seminar participants with Board of Directors of National Heart Institute of Malaysia and Vinmec International Hospital – Central Park

Since starting its operation, Vinmec Central Park has considered cardiology as a “key” specialty, thus, has gathered excellent cardiologistsand equipped with modern facilities and equipment such as Hybrid multi-functional integration operating systems, 3 Tesla MRI machine, magnetic resonance imaging machine of 640 slides … On this basis, Vinmec Central Park can perform complex surgeries of heart valves, coronary, aortopathy, peripheral vascular diseases … In the roadmap aiming to be an excellent cardiovascular center in Vietnam and Region, after the signing of the MOU with the Heart Institute of Malaysia, Vinmec Central Park is continuing to promote international cooperation with partners in the cardiovascular in Europe.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Hồ Chí Minh, Hải Phòng.

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