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Prenatal diagnosis of a case with SEA-HPFH deletion thalassemia with whole HBB gene deletion



The thalassemias is a group of hereditary disorders with impaired production of functional hemoglobin. In this report, we described a rare case of compound heterozygous mutation of South-East Asia type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (SEA-HPFH) and β -thalassemia that allowed prenatal diagnosis to be performed in a subsequent pregnancy in the family.

Case report

The father showed a SEA-HPFH thalassemia trait phenotype, while his genotype revealed that he was heterozygous for the SEA-HPFH deletion; the mother genotype was heterozygote for IVS-II-654 mutation; the second child had co-inherited both parental mutations and was, thus, a compound heterozygote for β-thalassemia (IVS-II-654)/SEA-HPFH deletion. His phenotype was intermediate β-thalassemia. Prenatal genotyping of a fetal sample during the third pregnancy confirmed the fetus was only heterozygote for SEA-HPFH deletion and the parents elected to continue the pregnancy.


We described the clinical and molecular characterization of the first detected case of compound β-Thalassemia/SEA-HPFH deletion in Northern Vietnam. The report also highlighted the accuracy and necessity of mutation screening for families with thalassemia to inform accurate genetic counselling and targeted prenatal diagnosis when desired.



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