New achievements in stem cell – gene technology conference

On afternoon October 28th, Vinmec International Hospital and Quang Ninh General Hospital jointly organized the Conference “Introduction to new achievements in diagnosis, treatment by stem cell and gene technology.”  Many interested doctors and medical staff personnel of Quang Ninh General Hospital attended to become informed and updated on the new technology.

At the Conference, Associate Prof. – PhD. Bach Khanh Hoa, Deputy Director of Vinmec Stem Cell – Gene Technology Center, reported: “Throughout the world, applications using stem cells in the field of medicine have been expanding. There have been nearly 80 diseases in fields such as neurology, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, skin re-epithelialization, orthopedic trauma, blood disorders, liver, and cancer treatment, which are treated with stem cell therapy. Vinmec International Hospital has also been doing research on the use of stem cells and gene technology in treatment of diseases such as osteoarthritis, cerebral palsy, autism, spinal paralysis, neuron disease, and congenital biliary, with very positive results.


Associate Prof. – PhD. Bach Khanh Hoa, Deputy Director of Vinmec Stem Cell – Gene Technology Center has also been doing research and disease treatment for osteoarthritis, cerebral palsy, autism, spinal paralysis, neuron disease, and congenital biliary by stem cell.

At Vinmec Hospital, the Center for Gene Technology conducts testing of genetic molecular, cytogenetic, genetic cancer,…in order to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, genetic diseases, genetic mutations or genetic gene screening in prenatal diagnosis, detection of oncogene in some diseases, cancer genetic screening in families with hereditary factors, and selecting suitable organ transplant donors and recipient.  This application also allows embryo screening before in vitro fertilization uterine transfers (IVF) to avoid birth defects. The cord blood stem cell bank at Vinmec has collected and stored hundreds of cord blood stem cells at the request of women, families, and volunteers.  These stem cell samples are processed and stored in the world’s most advanced automatic storage systems.  These stored reserves may potentially be a source of valuable “material” which can later serve the healthcare of the families who elected storage and the community in general.


Many doctors and medical staff personnel at Quang Ninh General Hospital received updated information about stem cell – gene technology during the conference.


Dr. Pham Van Tan – Deputy Director of Quang Ninh General Hospital presenting a painting to Vinmec International Hospital in appreciation of the useful information about stem cell – gene technology applications shared at the Conference.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Hà Nội, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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