Peter Thompson, a 62 year-old expatriate businessman in Hanoi, shared his experiences after being treated for an acute coronary problem at the local Vinmec International Hospital.
Peter Thompson being treated at Vinmec International Hospital
In early July 2012, Peter Thompson was taken into Vinmec International Hospital with acute chest pains, unable to breath. He was diagnosed as having acute coronary syndrome for the first five hours. Staying at Vinmec instead of flying to Thailand for treatment was a tough decision that Peter had to make as that was the first time he had ever put his life in hands of a Vietnamese hospital. “Taken into Vinmec in an emergency, I was overwhelmed by fear because everything came so fast. The doctor said that my heart needed treating immediately. I discussed with my wife about the possibility of hospitalisation in Thailand, but one of the doctors warned me that my condition was so serious that it should be treated immediately,” he said.
Thompson asked the doctor how many patients he had treated. After the doctor replied that he had treated more than five thousand, Thompson decided to stay.
Peter immediately received surgical procedure by Vinmec cardiology team led by Associate Professor, PhD, MD Nguyen Quang Tuan, General Secretary of Vietnamese Society of Interventional Cardiology cum Head of C4 Department – Vietnam National Heart Institute, and who is known as the pioneer and founder of interventional cardiac specialty in Vietnam. After the treatment, Peter, who, just one hour before, had faced a high possibility of death and dangerous complications in the next 12 hours, could happily talk with his Vinmec doctors despite his minor feeling of embarrassment for his earlier concerns. When being asked by Doctor Pham Tuyet Trinh whether he still wanted to fly to Thailand for hospitalization, Peter answered with his strong determination “No, not necessary. Vinmec is more than perfect”. He then received intensive care at ICU and left the hospital after two days with a normal heart.
Thompson told staff at the clinic, “Having treatment in Vinmec is the wisest decision that I have ever made. I received excellent care and good advice. I was also treated well and was made comfortable. I feel like I could play football right now.”
Vinmec is the first healthcare facility in the north to possess and put into use the latest 2-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) along with other technologies, such as Vivid cardiovascular ultrasound system, laboratory machines. The combination of sophisticated medical technology, modern healthcare environment and highly qualified medical experts, they say that treatment at the clinic is on par with international standards and less expensive than going overseas.