With an aim to share and discuss on the latest techniques and technologies in Imaging diagnosis, a scientific workshop has been organized at Vinmec International Hospital.
There were more than 100 leading experts and radiologiststhroughout the North of country attend this event such as Prof. Hoang Duc Kiet – President of Vietnamese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine and Prof. Dr. Phan Sy An, Prof. Vu Long – Vice President of Vietnamese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine; Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Tuan – Dormer head of Radiology Department, Viet Duc Hospital, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Bui Van Lenh – Deputy Director and Head of Radiology Department, Hanoi Medical University Hospital; Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Quoc Dung – Head of Radiology Department, Friendship Hospital; PhD. Tran Trung – Director of Transportation Hospital, Assc.Prof. Thai Khac Chau – Former headof Radiology Department, 103 Hospital …
At the workshop, invited speakers from Germany and Switzerlandshared with local radiologists their knowledge and experiences on the latest imaging techniques andtechnologies such as topic “Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of soft tissue tumors and pseudotumor lesions” by expert Gerd Stuckmann from Switzerland. He presented methods to detect and diagnosesoft tissue tumors by ultrasound in combination with other lastest Imaging techniques. With this method, the distinction of benign – malignantsoft tissue tumors, small lesions… as well as soft tissue pathologies requiring treatment will be faster, clearer and more precise.
The presentation of expert Holger Strunk was valuable in defining the role of “The percutaneous interventionaltechniques in the biliary malignancies” presentingmethod to implant stent. treat the stenosis and obstructions…without surgery.
Through the workshop, local physicians also discuss with the application of new technology in Imaging diagnosis especially MRI 3 Telsa.
At the workshop, representative of Siemen concedes 3 Tesla MRI is a “5 star” medical equipment thanks to its primacy and modern technology. 3-Tesla MRI is the best diagnosis equipment in the detection of soft tissue and musculo-skeletal lesions, heart and blood vessel’s disease; neurologic and digestive diseases… 3 Tesla MRI can help to diagnose faster, more precise and provide better image quality as well as avoid the harmful of radiation to the patient. Doctor will have the exact answ er for any doubt in brain, heart, blood vessels, abdomen…
At present, there are only two hospitals in Vietnam own MRI 3 Tesla and one of those is Vinmec International Hospital.
Vinmec is one of two hospitals in Vietnam own the most modern MRI 3 Tesla, with strengths in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular, neurological diseases; cancers… In addition to the experienced radiologists, Vinmec also has internationally renowned experts in Imaging diagnosisacting as professional consultants, providing advice for radiologist of Vinmec International Hospital.